"Bringing Community & Theater together for 40 years!"

Brett Nichols
Full given name: Brett David Nichols
Where you were born/raised: Binghamton/Kirkwood NY
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
First Broadway show you ever saw? Phantom of the Opera
When did you first get involved in theatre? Junior year of high school, after a year of singing alone in my house. My first role was Applegate in Damn Yankees
When did you first start performing with SRO? Somewhere in the mid 2000’s
If you had to pick which show would you say has been your favorite you've done with SRO? Playing Archie Craven in The Secret Garden. To this day, one of the finest shows I’ve ever been a part of.
Some favorite modern musicals: Ragtime, Parade, Side Show, The Scarlet Pimpernel, Next To Normal, The Civil War
Some favorite classic musicals: Camelot, Les Miserables (c’mon, it’s a classic)
Favorite showtune(s) of all time: Oh my…Stars, I guess. It was the song that made me want to be an actor. Otherwise, I get fixated on new stuff all the time. Right now it’s “Her Embrace” from an unproduced Faustus musical.
First stage kiss: I believe it was Erika Person, and Signe Mortensen, who alternated as Sarah to my Sky in Guys and Dolls. My two gorgeous leading ladies. That was fun. Something you're REALLY bad at: Algebra, Tennis
Most visited websites: Facebook, YouTube, and Nascar.com (yes, really)
Last book you read: I’m slowly working my way through A Dance With Dragons.
Must see TV shows: Current: Homeland, Game of Thrones, The Newsroom, Justified, Dexter, Graceland Former:Battlestar Galactica, Sports Night, The West Wing
Last good movie you saw? Elysium was okay. I think the last movie I LOVED was Star Trek: Into Darkness
Some films you consider classics: Star Wars Trilogy, LA Confidential, American Beauty, A Fish Called Wanda
Do you have Pre-show rituals or warm-ups? I need Starbursts to get through a performance. I realize this is crazy. But I must have them.
Pop culture guilty pleasure: Glee, I guess.
What song is the most played on your iPod? Hallelujah- Jeff Buckley
Three things you can't live without: my Droid, theatre, and race cars
What are some of your dream roles? Rochester in Jane Eyre, Percy in The Scarlet Pimpernel, Dan in Next to Normal, Officer Lockstock in Urinetown
What are some shows you'd love to see SRO to do? Parade, Jane Eyre, Chess, and although it will likely never happen, Ragtime.